Therapy is an essential element of the school day for students at Central Auckland Specialist School (CASS). It enables them to make the most of the learning opportunities they are involved in.
CASS employs Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, and Speech Language Therapists. Each student’s therapy needs are assessed and catered for. We endeavour to integrate therapy programmes within the regular classroom programmes to ensure that every aspect of the school day has both therapeutic and educational benefit. Programmes are developed in consultation with families/whanau and staff and aim to help students achieve their maximum potential and enjoy optimal quality of life.
Therapists also provide education and training for all staff working with the student and strive to establish strong links with families to provide a holistic view of the child. Support is also provided for families to implement therapy programmes in the home setting.
Therapists liaise with specialists (orthopaedic surgeons, paediatricians, dieticians, neurologists, behaviour support teams), and community, health and ACC therapists to ensure consistency of care.