Our Strategic Goals
Develop and deliver a responsive curriculum through effective pedagogy
- Normalise the use of Te Reo Māori at CASS
- Create stronger links between teachers pedagogical decision making and student learning and engagement. Links will be;
- Reflected in documentation
- Developed within a multidisciplinary team
Grow our people, places, systems and structures to meet the projected growth of the school
- Ensure that school environments are healthy, safe, well organised and can respond to the range of learners at CASS now and in the future
- Develop a coaching culture at CASS to ensure that all staff have the support they need to be confident, competent, knowledgeable, reflective practitioners
Strengthen our connections with whānau, host schools, community agencies, services and each other
- Further develop a framework of communication with our whānau, ensuring consistent and learning focused relationships are maintained
- Strengthen our reciprocal relationships with our host schools
Download a copy of our latest ERO Report here

All of our students are priority learners with high and complex needs. It is the role of our teachers to meet each student at their individual point of learning and deliver programmes based on the students’ Learning Plans. Our therapists (speech and language, physio and occupational) have specialised health–based expertise to prepare our students to access the curriculum. Our associate staff (teacher aides) support student learning in the classroom by following programmes of integrated teaching and therapy with our students.
Our families are our whanau. When we enrol a student, we ‘enrol’ their family in whatever form that may take. It is all about those around each child who have a special role in their lives. We work closely with families and whanau formally through Mahi Tahi (Parent Partnership) meetings and reviews and informally virtually daily via text, email, phone, notebook or seesaw.
Family members are welcome in our school. We are so pleased when they are able to attend our school ‘events’ days and see how their child learns, engages and enjoys the many aspects of school.
Connecting with other organisations leads to greater opportunities for our students, resources for our school and wider awareness of our students as socially valued individuals. The Cerebral Palsy Society partners with many of our families to provide vouchers for access to community activities. The Blind Foundation works with us to support teaching and learning through the ‘lens’ of students who have vision impairments. Community Trusts fund technology resources for our students and contribute to a variety of ‘arts’ therapies.